Updating Performance and Basic Entry Links

The links that are returned by the Yield Management System (YMS) will need to be updated by each supplier to ensure the correct tracking parameter is set, and that all of the required parameters are included to complete the link.

Basic API Calls

Yield Management returns incomplete entry links for Basic API calls because no demographic data has been provided by the supplier.

It is the responsibility of the supplier to:

  • assign a tracking value to the ssi* parameter to replace the system default value SUBID
  • append the incomplete entry link with a unique_user_id and an hmac value

Suppliers must update the supplier sub ID (ssi) field with a tracking value and append the link with a unique user ID and hmac.


The supplier sub ID has been updated with a tracking value and now includes a unique user ID and hmac.


Supplier Sub ID (ssi)

The ssi parameter is used to track session ID, supplier sub ID, or some other tracking value.

We don’t recommend passing the same values for ssi and unique_user_id. It helps in troubleshooting for a particular session of the user.

unique_user_id should be the unique user id, and should always be the same for each user, while 'ssi' should be the unique session id (or subid) to track individual transactions.

Performance API Calls

Yield Management returns entry links that contain a system default value of SUBID for the supplier sub ID.

It is the responsibility of the supplier to:

  • assign a tracking value to the ssi* parameter to replace the system default value SUBID

Suppliers must update the supplier sub ID (ssi) field with a tracking value.


The supplier sub ID has been updated with a tracking value.


Entry Links

All API entry links must contain a unique_user_id and an hmac value.