Why is the inventory low after migration?
After the migration, it can take up to a day for the integration to recalibrate. This can cause inventory to be lower but will increase within the next couple of days.
How can we distinguish transactions now that %transaction_id% is deprecated?
SSI's should be unique to each entry to help track and identify a session. There is also a new parameter called [ROUTEID] that can be appended to redirects. Route ID is a session identify assigned by Cint and can be appended to help identify different sessions.
How does %signature_hmac_sha% parameter work?
Cint will generate a SHA256 hash of the full redirect/callback URL without the %signature_hmac_sha% parameter. For example:
Redirect URL from Cint: [https://www.example.com/ssi=%ssi%&hmac=%signature_hmac_sha%]
Redirect used for %signature_hmac_sha% calculation = SHA256 hash of [<https://www.example.com/ssi=%ssi%>]
To generate the same hash as Cint appended, you must use the correct string along with your API key to create the hash and compare
Why has our drop rate increased?
There is a new status called "TimedOut." This indicates a user entered the client survey but dropped. Before the System Updates, if a user dropped within a survey, the system would trigger a "Term" redirect/callback. With the updates, Cint will NO LONGER trigger redirects if a "TimeOut" status is assigned to a user. A supplier will see the user status within the Session Outcomes report which we predict will provide more transparency to suppliers. Due to Cint not triggering a term redirect for these anymore, the drop rate will increase but it should provide a more accurate depiction of user workflow.
What does it mean when a user receives the error "Invalid: wrong country?"
This occurs when a user attempts to take the survey outside the targeted country. These will not become a system entrant and won't be seen on reporting.
Why is the %status% parameter returned as None?
%status% parameter only has valid codes if the user is termed before entering a survey. If the user qualifies into a survey, the %status% parameter will return as None.
PASSTHROUGHs are values that Cint received from the supplier on the entry link and that will be returned on the redirects. For example, SSI's, static values, etc
Why can't we receive the same information on the redirects anymore?
Some parameters are no longer supported during the backend migration. Due to this, Cint is no longer able to collect the data and pass back information.
No surveys when making an API call for a country?
After the system updates, Cint requires a panel to be created for each market a supplier samples into. If there is a new country you want to sample into, a panel must be created to get that inventory and send users. To do so, please reach out to [email protected].
Updated 9 months ago