Profilers Set Up

Pulling Profilers

While it is possible to pull all of the global profilers, we recommend pulling profilers for the specific geographic location that will be targeted during integration.

As mentioned under API Endpoints\Profilers, pulling the global profilers provides suppliers with the most profiling data, at a cost of time.

Pulling for a specific geographic location allow the suppliers to pull the region-specific profilers, map them, and begin testing more quickly.



Profiler Priority

Cint prioritizes the order of the profilers from the most frequently asked questions, to the least asked questions.



Cint recommends mapping the top 25-30 profilers during integration.

Additional profilers can be added later.

Sending Profilers to Cint

The number of profilers that are provided to Cint via the API can dramatically improve their conversion rate, and decrease the number of terms encountered by panelists.

Per the survey documentation, API Endpoints\Surveys, there are five required parameters for the Performance API call:

  • unique_user_id
  • date_of_birth
  • email
  • gender
  • ip_address


Cint recommends providing all profiling data points for each panelist.


Cint recommends always passing zip_code and not send any other region info like region1 / region2 / region3.
Even if region info is passed, our system will not store it and still ask for zip_code
We will use zip_code to pull other region info from zip code database

Exceptions are countries where zip code is not asked. Here zip code will not be asked and region1/region2/region3 info will be accepted


date_of_birth is preferred over age

Although in the survey qualifications we show qualifications in age, it is advisable to pass the date_of_birth in yyyy-mm-dd format for the users.
E.g. of entry link as below:

Providing more than the five required profilers has the following benefits:

✅ Higher conversion rate
✅ Lower term rates
✅Better user experience
✅Better performing surveys
✅Higher payouts
✅Increased revenue

FAQ - What if I ask my users new profiling questions?

  • After a user completes, terms, or gets disqualified from a survey, we will ask five additional profilers, which we can then send back to the supplier in a redirect.
  • Some profilers are asked every 30 days to ensure the profile is up-to-date.
    • Example: income_level (panelist may have received a salary increase)
  • If a supplier asks a panelist any new profilers outside of the ones that have already been asked, they can add them to the API call.