Status Codes v2
Please note
These statuses will start to be utilized once the backend migration has been completed. Until those changes have been made, do no use modified status codes. Please see Consolidated Status Codes values Under Actions May Required here for more information
Status Code | Status | Definition | Actions |
1 | Demographic Term | Respondent got terminated on profiler question/prescreener | Map to profilers and send as much demographic history on the respondent through the entry link or API call. Append basic=0 to get a full list of qualifications for the project |
2 | Survey Unavailable | This survey is not available for the user before becoming a system entrant. | Remove opportunity for user or call the performance API prior to survey entry to validate qualifications |
18 | Wrong Country | Respondent's IP address does not match the country selected for survey | Verify respondent's country matches the survey prior to sending the respondent in. Do not resend the user to the same survey |
19 | Blocked for Quality | Respondent blocked due to quality issues (failed pre-survey qualifiers, user check/status, Cint's fraud score profiler, IP verification) | Do not resend the respondent into study |
20 | Entered Before | A respondent entered the survey again after attempting earlier where they could have already received a status (e.g. complete/term/over quota/drop). | Remove opportunity from the user. If the issue remains a top term, make performance API calls to eliminate this status |
43 | Unsubscribed | Respondent has unsubscribed from Cint opportunities | Respondent should no longer be sent into Cint surveys |
44 | Device Type | Respondent's device type does not match survey criteria | Read Platform_types in the API response |
47 | Device Compatability | Respondent's device capabilities do not match survey criteria | Read Platform_types in the API response |
48 | Tech Error | An issue occurred on the Cint platform which prevented the respondent from receiving a status (ex: slow internet connection, browser fails, etc) | Respondent may re-attempt the survey. If issue persists multiple times on the same survey, remove the opportunity for the respondent |
Updated 11 months ago