Callback and Redirect Variables
A callback URL is a server-to-server connection that transmits the survey data to the supplier. A callback will only trigger when a user has entered a client survey. A callback will not be triggered if the user was termed internally (python pre-screener). Suppliers are responsible for generating their own unique callback and redirect URLs. Callbacks will trigger if specified by the suppliers. If no callback is provided, the supplier will not receive these.
Callback URL
Open Exchange: When a user completes a survey, a callback URL will be triggered
Private Exchange/Delayed Crediting: Supplier will receive this callback when a tentative complete is reconciled to a complete only.
Tentative callback URL
When a user completes a survey, but the complete is yet to be confirmed by the buyer
(e.g., PMP completes and delayed crediting completes need to be confirmed by the PMP buyer or be approved by the quality team once the project is closed. Until the completes are approved, the status will remain as tentative complete.)
Term Callback URL
When a user gets termed on the client survey because they do not meet the qualifying criteria
Over Quota Callback URL
When a user gets terminated on the client survey due to a survey quota being full
Reconciliation callback URL
When a user session is reconciled to anything other than a complete, a reconciliation callback is triggered. This also applies to tentative completes/delayed crediting. When a tentative complete is reconciled to a status other than a complete, the supplier will receive this redirect. For tentative completes reconciled to confirmed completes, please see the callback URL definition.
Account blocked redirect URL
If a user is blocked on our system for using a proxy, for providing poor quality responses, or other reasons, by default they will be shown a page from our system from where the user can raise a ticket to our support team requesting to unblock them with a valid reason.
If a supplier wants their user to be redirected to their URL, please reach out to the team in contact for implementation to make the required setting change.
Note: page to raise a ticket is accessible only to those users who are logged in to their account.
Callback URL
The Callback URL should be a server-to-server connection, not a redirect URL.
A server-to-server connection is a secure method of communication between systems.
It is strongly recommended that suppliers provide a Callback URL for conversions.
The following variables are available for the callback and redirect URLs:
- %supplier_sub_id% - This will contain the value forwarded by supplier as &ssi= in the entry link
- %supplier_sub_id2% - This will contain the value forwarded by supplier as &ssi2= in the entry link
- %supplier_sub_id3% - This will contain the value forwarded by supplier as &ssi3= in the entry link
- %transaction_id% - Unique Your-Surveys transaction id; always unique for each transaction
- %ip% - IP address of the respondent
- %signature_hmac_sha% - sha256 hmac hash of the full URL*
- %transaction_datetimeiso% - The date and time of transaction in ISO format.
- %transaction_timestamp% - The UNIX timestamp of the transaction
API users only:
- %entry_project_id% - Survey id of original respondent entry
- %last_project_id% - Survey id of the last touched study
- %supplier_payout% - Survey payout of original respondent entry; Your Surveys guarantees the same payout as the payout of the initial entry survey, even after redirecting the respondent. Only valid on the complete redirect/callback.
- %status% - Status of the respondent (i.e. reason of internal terminate)
- %termed_profiler_id% - Profiler id user termed on (applicable on term redirect only)
Signature HMAC
The %signature_hmac_sha% is generated when all of the variables in the callback or redirect URLs contain data.
Updated about 1 year ago