Checking quality and account status of a user

While making Performance API calls, you can see 2 variables that shows status of user account and quality score as below:


the status can either be "soft_block" or "hard_block" or “good”. Hard blocks are permanent blocks. Soft blocks can be lifted by filing a support ticket with the YS support team. This has to be submitted by the user.


" quality_score_status": "good" (if quality score >=100)
" quality_score_status": "at risk" (if quality score >70 AND < 100)
" quality_score_status": "poor" (if quality score <70)

A quality score is an internal measurement used by Cint to assess a panelists performance in surveys over a 3 month period. This quality score system helps to send good respondents into surveys and remove poor quality ones from the system. All panelists start with a score of 100 and earn points for completing surveys. On the other hand, poor survey taking behaviors such as survey reversals, speeding & failing quality control questions can lead to deductions from a panelists score. If their score falls below the minimum threshold of 70 they will no longer be permitted to take surveys.

Please note: Once the account is blocked or quality is poor, we will no longer return projects on performance API. Quality score reset after 3 months.